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Has the thought of building your brand ever overwhelmed you?
Me too. There are so many aspects to consider, the task can sometimes seem daunting.
If you're having a hard time getting noticed by the companies you've applied to, building your brand is exactly what can make you stand out from the rest of your competition.
"Branding is everything!"
Today we talk with digital marketing expert, Abby Zufelt, who has had years of experience growing and advertising brands.
In this episode, we'll answer questions such as:
How do I brand myself?
Why should I brand myself?
What platform would be good for me?
How could LinkedIn benefit me?
What should I be cautious of when starting to brand myself?
How does building my brand set me apart?
What is a digital footprint?
If you aren't exactly sure what it means to brand yourself, not to worry! Here are three great branding strategies you can follow:
Know what you want to be known for (think "what's my unique angle")
Establish your brand voice and be consistent!
Own your domain and handles - you want control of what your personal and/or brand name is used for

"We are all unique and you've had experiences no one else has had."
LinkedIn is an amazing place to start your branding journey. You might be thinking that you don't have anything to offer, BUT don't be fooled! We often halt our work/growth/progress because of our limiting beliefs. It's time to challenge those and realize that you have so much to offer.
Here are a couple actions steps you can take to start branding yourself today!
Make a LinkedIn profile!
Even if you aren't sure if it can help, it certainly won't hurt!
Get LinkedIn recommendations
Give one to get one! LinkedIn recommendations are a typically overlooked tool that can definitely help boost your brand!
"You have something valuable to offer."
Don't forget to check out the LinkedIn Do's & Don'ts episode of the Working Girl Talk podcast!

Abby is a digital marketing expert, speaker and the founder of Working Girl Talk, a podcast and community for working women.
Abby helps brands put their best foot forward online with strategic digital and social media advertising, SEO and email marketing. With a background in journalism and PR, Abby's work in digital marketing and branding all lead back to her passion: storytelling.
You can connect on IG @workinggirltalk or @abbyzufelt